BAKU: Azeri military doctrine to be ready by autumn – official

Azeri military doctrine to be ready by autumn – official

Trend news agency
16 Jun 05

Baku, 16 June, Trend correspondent S. Logmanoglu: Azerbaijan is
currently drawing up its military doctrine. I believe that the
document will be discussed and adopted in the autumn session of the
Milli Majlis [parliament], Azerbaijani Deputy Speaker Ziyafat Asgarov
has told Trend.

He said that the members of a working group, which was set up on
the president’s instruction in early 2005, are quite experienced
specialists and that there was no need to involve additional foreign

“During their work, the group’s members are learning foreign
countries’ experience in this sphere. However, this does not mean
that Azerbaijan’s military doctrine will duplicate that of other
countries. On the contrary, our purpose is to draw up a perfect
document. Undoubtedly, the interests of the Azerbaijani statehood
will come first in the document,” Asgarov said.

The deputy speaker did not name the country whose experience the
specialists used while drawing up the country’s military doctrine.