Armenian defence minister to set up party in bid for presidency – pa

Armenian defence minister to set up party in bid for presidency – paper

Iravunk, Yerevan
17 Jun 05

Text of unattributed report by Armenian newspaper Iravunk on 17 June
headlined “New support for Serzh Sarkisyan”

According to a source close to Armenian Defence Minister Serzh
Sarkisyan, he is going to form a new party on the basis of the People’s
Deputy parliamentary faction with the aim of using the party as a
means of political support.

The source said that in doing so, Sarkisyan intends to secure massive
representation in the parliament during the parliamentary elections
of 2007. He hopes that the party will win a great number of seats
in first-past-the-post constituencies and become the biggest faction
in the National Assembly. In turn, the faction will back Sarkisyan’s
candidacy in the presidential elections of 2008.
From: Baghdasarian