Armenian Foreign Minister Presents Armenia’s Action Plans To NorthAt


Minister Vartan Oskanian presented on June 16 in Brussels two documents
that represent a landmark in the process of Armenia’s integration into
Europe. According to the RA MFA Press and Information Department,
Minister Oskanian submitted the presentation document of Armenia’s
Individual Partnership Action Plan (IPAP) to the North Atlantic Council
for approval. Following a speech of welcome made by NATO Secretary
General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, the minister presented the document in
general outline, Armenia’s approaches to cooperation prospects, as well
as the foreign policy priorities of the country to the ambassadors
of the 16 NATO member states. The document was developed by the RA
Interdepartmental Commission co-chaired by the Armenian Foreign and
Defence Ministers. The documents reflects Armenia’s objectives aimed
at further developing the relations between Armenia and NATO, as
well as the mechanisms for efficient cooperation in the defence and
security spheres. The document submitted by Armenia was appreciated
by the ambassadors who welcomed the country’s consistent efforts
to increase the cooperation, acclaimed its active participation and
cooperative spirit displayed in various fields, particularly during
the peace-keeping operations with NATO. Then Minister Oskanian
addressed in detail a number of issues raised by the ambassadors
and related to the development of the democratization process in
Armenia, prospects for the Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement,
the Armenian-Turkish relations, the Armenian-Russian cooperation,
as well as cooperation within the framework of the Collective
Security Treaty Organization. Early June 16, prior to the sitting
of Council, NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer met with
Minister Oskanian. Attaching inportance to Armenia cooperation with
NATO, Secretary General expressed confidence that IPAP will open
new opportunities and perspectives for further cooperation. At the
request of Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, Minister Oskanian informed him
about the current stage and opportunities of the Nagorno Karabakh
settlement process, as well as about a number of issues related
to the regional developments and security. After the approval of
the document by the North Atlantic Council, the action plan for
the program’s implementation will be worked out. On the same day
Vartan Oskanian submitted the draft EU-Armenia Action Plan within
the framework of the European Neighborhood Policy to the Benita
Ferrero-Waldner, Commissioner for External Relations and European
Neighborhood Policy of the European Commission. The sides discussed
the opportunities of cooperation between Armenia and the EU within
the framework of the European Neighborhood Policy, touched upon the
issues of Armenia’s relations with the neighboring countries, the
Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement process. The Armenian Foreign
Minister also had a meeting in Brussels with the Secretary General of
the Council of the EU, HIgh Representative for CFSP Javier Solana. At
the meeting, the sides discussed such issues as the Nagorno Karabakh
problem solution, the regional cooperation perspectives, including the
reopening of the Armenian-Turkish border, new initiatives regarding
the regional transport and energy to be undertaken under the aegis
of the EU, as well as issues related to working out the EU-Armenia
Action Plan. A wide range of issues was also discussed with Deputy
Director General for the External Relations of the European Commission
Michael Lee, with opinions being exchanged about the development of
the EU-Armenia Action Plan within the European Neighborhood Policy,
as well as about the processes taking place in Europe. On June 17,
Vartan Oskanian will leave Brussels for Paris in order to meet there
with the Azerbaijani Foreign Minister Elmar Mamedyarov with the
mediation of OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs.