Paris meeting recorded no progress


| 18:09:03 | 20-06-2005 | Politics |


During the Warsaw meeting of the Armenian and Azeri Presidents certain
agreements had been reached about the settlement of the Karabakh conflict
which were to be given an official form by way of documents during the Paris
meeting of the Foreign Ministers. However, this did not take place, as the
two Ministers could not find a common language. NA Foreign Minister Vardan
Oskanyan announced about it during today’s press conference. He also
mentioned that the meeting was held in a constructive atmosphere.

Let us remind you that on June 17 in Paris by mediation of the OSCE Minsk
Group Co-Chairs Minister Vardan Oskanyan had a meeting with the Azeri
Foreign Minister Elmar Mamedyarov. During the negotiations held within the
framework of the Prague process the Ministers concentrated on the progress
reached during the Warsaw meeting of the Presidents. However, they failed to
come to an agreement and settled to continue negotiations.

All the efforts of the journalists to learn the details of the process were
doomed to failure. Vardan Oskanyan announced that `all the elements of the
package are included in the discussion agenda. The most important issue for
Armenia is the political status of Karabakh. Until we make this clear, I
consider the further discussion of other issues in vain’.

Then the Minister called the journalists `not to try to learn details as he
will tell nothing more’. Asked the question if the position of the Armenian
side in Paris was constructive or destructive Mr. Oskanyan only gave an
enigmatic smile and said nothing.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress