ANCC: German Parl. Takes Steps To Recognize The Armenian Genocide

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Communiqué de Presse – Press Release
June 21 juin, 2005

Contacts: Shant Karabajak 514-334-1299
Roupen Kouyoumdjian 514-336-7095
For immediate release:
Pour diffusion immédiate:

German Parliament Takes Steps To Recognize The Armenian Genocide

After just over 90 years of suspense, the German parliament called on
Turkey to reexamine its policy regarding the Armenian Genocide of
1915, a crucial blow to the denialist regime of Ankara, an ally of the
Germans during the first World War.

Without any debate, the Bundestag unanimously adopted a three page
motion, on June 16, citing the “nearly complete extermination of the
Armenians in Anatolia”.

Included in the motion was a measure of certain responsibility by the
German government in this effect, where the motion points out to the
“inglorious role of the German Reich”. At the time, the German
government was well aware of the ongoing Armenian Genocide but, due to
alliegences “did not even try to stop the atrocities” or what the
motion states as the “organized expulsion and extermination of
Armenians” a synonym of “genocide”.

Dr. Girair Basmadjian, President of the Armenian National Committee of
Canada, hailed the adoption of the motion as a great step toward the
recognition of the Armenian Genocide. “It is a particularly important
step due to the fact that a large diaspora of Turks live in
Germany. It is obvious that the German Parliament felt moral, not
political, pressure to recognize the responsibility of the Ottoman
Turkish Empire in the extermination and expulsion of the Armenians
from their homeland.”
