Robert Kocharian and Vladimir Putin met in Moscow

Pan Armenian News


22.06.2005 07:36

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Armenian President Robert Kocharian met with Russian
President Vladimir Putin in Moscow today, RA President’s press center
reported. During the meeting the interlocutors discussed the process of
fulfilling agreements achieved during the meeting held in Yerevan in spring,
investment and energy programs. They also touched upon the Year of Russia in
Armenia, which proceeds at a high level. The Armenian President noted that
the events held in Armenia include almost all the field of the
Armenian-Russian relations. In his words, the economic relations between the
two countries are developing in harmony with the cultural ties, partly
thanks to the activities of the Armenian-Russian intergovernmental
committee. Besides, the Presidents discussed the EurAsEC Interstate Council
held in Moscow today. Vladimir Putin noted that though Armenia has an
observer status, Robert Kocharian’s participation contributes to expansion
of multilateral cooperation. To note, the Armenian President arrived in
Moscow to take part in the recurrent sitting of the Collective Security
Treaty Organization. Robert Kocharian will also meet with the Armenian
students to discuss the issues they are concerned about.