French Senator: OSCE MG plays arbiter role in Karabakh settlement

Pan Armenian News


23.06.2005 04:36

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ «The French Senate does its best to improve relations
between Azerbaijan and Armenia. OSCE Minsk Group co-chair states are not a
deciding factor in settlement of the problem. The co-chairs play merely an
arbiter role in the issue. We just control the course of talks. The issue
can be solved on the will of peoples,» stated head of the French-Azeri
friendship interparliamentary group Ambroise Dupont at a meeting with
journalists yesterday. In his opinion, settlement of the Karabakh conflict
is an utterly difficult task. He evaluated the continuation of the talks
over settlement of the conflict on the initiative of the OSCE Minsk Group
Co-Chairs as a positive fact. In his words, the continuation of the talks
between the Armenian and Azeri Presidents and FMs should be appreciated. Mr.
Dupont noted that the importance of the Caucasus and the countries located
here is increasingly growing. «Thus, the countries themselves should be
interested in securing peace in the region and resolution of conflicts,» he
remarked. Though the French Senator named preference to the peaceful
resolution of the problem as an important condition, he avoided answering a
question whether France will support a settlement within the framework of
territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. He said, «I cannot say for sure which
state the talks with the MG are at. The process is between the countries. I
want to say France is very much interested in resolution of the conflict.»
Touching upon earlier reports that the discussion of the Karabakh issue was
scheduled and then postponed at the French Senate, A. Dupont said this was
not planned at all. The guest noted that as the talks are held between the
FMs and Presidents with participation of the FM co-chairs, other structures
do not interfere with the settlement of the problem. «However, you know it
yourself that peoples’ will can do much. I suppose that the historical ties
between Azeris and Armenians will lead to a solution of the conflict,» the
Senator said, noting the President of the French Senate holds regular talks
with Speakers of the Azeri, Georgian and Armenian Parliaments. «The
President of the Senate of France told us that Azerbaijan, Georgia and
Armenia can cooperate in tourism and protection of cultural heritage,»
Dupont added. «If we do not manage to attain any development, we will not be
able to settle the conflict. Efforts should be made to that end. I want to
say that the MG progresses and the peaceful resolution of the conflict is
very important at present,» the Senator underscored.