Armenia Against Kazakhstan’s Chairmanship of OSCE In 2009


MOSCOW, JUNE 24. ARMINFO. Armenia is against transfer of the status of
OSCE chairing-state to Kazakhstan in 2009.

According to the Russian newspaper “Kommersant,” yesterday a sitting
of CSTO took place at Kremlin, which was to result in adoption of a
statement on OSCE, wherein CSTO member-states were to express their
opinion on reformation of the organization. Russia was looking forward
to adopt this statement, but Kazakhstan was against, as it had no
intention to have disputes with western colleagues. On the other hand,
the last passage in the draft was a proposal to provide OSCE
chairmanship in 2009 to Kazakhstan. Armenia immediately came out
against as “it cannot forgive Kazakhstan its repeated votes for
anti-Armenian resolutions connected with Nagorny Karabakh,” the
newspaper writes. As a result, CSTO members could not present either
the statement on OSCE or the other interesting document – the
provision on CSTO observers to elections to journalists. Thus, the
sitting resulted in adoption of only an Agreement on preparation of
military cadres for CSTO i.e. preferential education of students from
CSTO member-states at Russian universities, the source reports.