Armenian foreign minister meets assassinated former Lebanese PM’s so

Armenian foreign minister meets assassinated former Lebanese PM’s son

Public Television of Armenia, Yerevan
1 Jul 05

[Presenter] Armenian Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanyan’s visit to the
Lebanese capital continues. Oskanyan arrived in Beirut to take part in
the festivities to mark the 50th anniversary of Haykazyan University.

Minister Oskanyan visited the house of late Lebanese Prime Minister
Rafiq al-Hariri and offered his condolences to his family members,
and laid a wreath at his grave.

[Correspondent Artak Erikyan from Lebanon] Armenian Foreign Minister
Vardan Oskanyan today laid a wreath at al-Hariri’s grave. His son,
Sa’d Al-Hariri received Oskanyan at his home. Oskanyan offered his
condolences and congratulated him on his victory in the parliamentary
elections. The 35-year-old young man is one of the famous political
figure in Lebanon.

[Sa’d Al-Hariri, in French with Armenian voice-over] Relations
between Armenia and Lebanon are very good. The Armenians are respected
here. It is necessary to strengthen these relations, particularly in
the economic sphere. I hope that the new government will carry out a
serious work in this direction. I think I shall pay visit to Armenia
this year. My father visited Armenia three times.

[Correspondent] The Lebanese already know the name of their new
prime minister. It is Fu’ad Sinyurah. He was Rafiq al-Hariri’s
right hand. The new Lebanese prime minister is well-informed about
the Armenian-Lebanese intergovernmental relations, he visited Armenia
together with Rafiq al-Hariri in 2004.

Our diplomats did not meet the new prime minister today. He is the
busiest man in Lebanon today, Oskanyan said.

[Oskanyan] It was possible to meet the new prime minister, but we have
to admit that at this moment he is the busiest man in Lebanon because
at this very moment as I speak, the prime minister’s appointment
issue is being discussed in parliament.

[Correspondent] So, on the 136th day after al-Harari’s assassination,
Lebanon is forming a new government; for the first time after the
withdrawal of the Syrian forces and special services.

Artak Erikyan, Akop Papazyan, “Aylur” from Beirut.

[Video shows the scene of al-Hariri’s assassination, his grave and
Oskanyan’s meeting with Sa’d Al-Hariri]

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress