‘Cultural legacy is the historic memeory of Armenia’

AZG Armenian Daily #125, 08/07/2005



Day of National Library Marked

The male gymnasium of Yerevan built in 1832 was granted state status as the
National Library of Armenia in 1919. A number of arrangements yesterday were
dedicated to the 86th anniversary of the Library.

The chairman of RA Constitutional Court, Gagik Harutyunian sent a
congratulatory note that opened the celebrations under the banner of
“Cultural Legacy is the Historic Memory of Armenia”. Among cultural workers
who took part in the celebration there were the chairmen of Theatre Workers’
and Writers’ Unions, president of the Armenian Encyclopedia, chairman of the
Fritiof Nansen Fund and others. French ambassador to Armenia, Henry Cuny,
congratulated the Library and said that when an old man dies in Africa
people say a library died. “They say so to emphasize the importance of
memory”, ambassador Cuny said.

28 employees of the National Library were awarded diplomas.

By Gohar Gevorgian