NKR: Admittance Started


Azat Artsakh – Nagorno Karabakh Republic [NKR]
14 July 05

Admittance has already begun in NKR and will last till July 15. The
head of the state admittance commission, the rector of Artsakh State
University Hamlet Grigorian said no essential changes have taken place
in the commission, as well as the procedure of admittance to
universities. The numbers have not been changed either. This year
Artsakh State University will admit 796 students in total, there will
be 220 scholarships. In the state universities of Armenia60 places
will be provided for the students from Artsakh. Of these 40 will take
the entrance exams in NKR, the rest in Yerevan. According to the
chairman of the commission, the number of applicants has almost not
changed since last year. This year the number of applicants for
mathematics, physics and chemistry has grown. Judging by the
experience of previous years, there will be a tough contest for
economics, foreign languages, physical training and military training,
as well as the places in the universities of Armenia. On July 16 the
traditional meeting of the applicants and their parents with the
republic admittance commission will take place. The entrance exams
will start on July 20.
