ANKARA: Turkish daily views PKK activities in Georgia, Armenia

Turkish daily views PKK activities in Georgia, Armenia

Cumhuriyet website, Istanbul
16 Jul 05

Excerpt from Ecevit Kilic’s report by Turkish newspaper Cumhuriyet
website on 16 July headlined “Georgia has become the PKK’s new
transit point”

After Armenia, the terrorist PKK [Workers’ Party of Kurdistan/People’s
Congress of Kurdistan] organization has also begun to use Georgia as
a transit point for the militants who want to go from Europe to Iran,
Syria and northern Iraq. Having reactivated the camps in Armenia,
the organization ensures that the youths brought from Turkey and
Europe receive higher education at the Abay Almaty State University
in Kazakhstan.

Intelligence units have prepared a report headlined “the PKK and
its activities in Europe” regarding the PKK’s organizations in other
countries. An important part of the report, which also refers to the
organization’s activities in Japan, Canada and Australia, focuses
on the Caucasus countries. According to the report, Armenia is very
important for the organization. The organization has camps in Gyumri,
Spitak, Yerevan, Lacin and Kalbacar [two Azerbaijani districts occupied
by Armenia].

The Armenian Revolutionary Federation – Dashnaktsutyun provides the
greatest support to the PKK in Armenia. The PKK has taken total control
of the Raye Taze [New Way] newspaper that has been published since
March 1930. Furthermore, the organization broadcasts from the Voice
of Yerevan radio station. The Kurds’ Rights and Religion Foundation,
the Kurdish Youths Association, the Kurdish Culture Association and
the Ezidi Kurdish Women’s Association that operate in Georgia are
also controlled by the PKK. Abdurrahman Patiyav, who has been working
as deputy chief of the International Kurdish Culture and Information
Bureau for a long time, is in charge of Georgia as well.

[Passage omitted: PKK activities in Kazakhstan]