Karabakh independence not subject to bargain


Pan ARMENIAN Network, Armenia
July 21 2005

21.07.2005 05:15

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ There are no big changes in the settlement of the
Nagorno Karabakh conflict, Nagorno Karabakh Foreign Minister (FM) Arman
Melikyan stated at a news conference in Yerevan today. In his words,
OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs work to form the negotiation atmosphere
today. Simultaneously he remarked that the stands of the parties
to conflict are far from each other and “speaking of capitulation
is early.” In the FM’s words, no official statements have been made
over the talks yet. When commenting on the media frequently reporting
on possible return of lands to Azerbaijan and possible referendum
in Nagorno Karabakh, Melikyan noted Azerbaijan is guilty for the
media leak. NK is ready to participate in the talks is spite the
issue is still being discussed by Azerbaijan and Armenia. “NK can
take part in the negotiations, however it is not a goal in itself,”
Melikyan remarked. He added, “We are ready to cooperate with Baku,
if it bears fruit.” At that he noted that the coming parliamentary
election in Azerbaijan can theoretically influence the talks. In the
FM’s words, NK authorities consider the Republic’s independence is
not subject to bargain. The Minister also said that speaking of the
time of resolution of the conflict is “a thankless affair.” “We forget
that we are not alone in the world and today serious processes take
place in the world,” the FM said. Answering the question whether one
or two states will be formed afterwards, the FM said, “NK has already
self-determined and it is a fact already. The question whether 2
states or 1 will be formed depends on the situation.”