BAKU: Azerbaijan achieved progresses in regulation of NK

2005-07-21 20:55

Azerbaijan News Service
July 21 2005

The Azerbaijani government held a meeting in large on Thursday under
the chairmanship of Ilham Aliyev, the President of Azerbaijan. The
Cabinet of Ministers reported to the President on the work, carried
out in the first half of 2005, and announced major achievements
of economy for this period. Speaking at the meeting Ilham Aliyev,
president of Azerbaijan appreciated last six months as successful for
Azerbaijan and said many have been done in this period. The president
also stated relations of Azerbaijan with neighboring countries fully
satisfies interests of Azerbaijan. Mr. Aliyev appraised resolution of
Council of Europe as success of Azerbaijan. The resolution reflects
objective realities of Armenia-Azerbaijan Daqliq Qarabaq conflict.
The president said regulation process of the conflict develops in the
interest of Azerbaijan. We held talks within the frames of “Prague
Talks”. This is what Azerbaijan has been waiting for. Mr. Aliyev called
information on joining of Daqliq Qarabaq with Armenia groundless:
Daqliq Qarabaq is an inseparable part of Azerbaijan. There can not be
a word about separation of Daqliq Qarabaq from Azerbaijan either now
or after 20 years or after 100 years. The president said Azerbaijan
is for peaceful regulation of the conflict but stated he will release
occupied territories by all means. Noting that the government achieved
progresses in internal policy as well as in economy field, Mr. Aliyev
added there are still problems as high level of poverty, high prices
of consumer goods, shortages in electric supply etc. The president
assured the government will take all necessary measures to overcome
these difficulties.