Habitat for Humanity Armenia Delegation meet South Florida ASA

South Florida Armenian Students’ Association
Contact: Michael Toumayan
Tel: 561-716-6155
E-mail: [email protected]

Habitat for Humanity Armenia Delegation meet South Florida ASA

BOCA RATON ` A delegation from the Habitat for Humanity (HfH) Armenia
Office held a meeting with the South Florida Armenian Students’
Association (ASA) on July 18th in Boca Raton to raise awareness of
Armenia’s growing needs for housing and to promote close relations
between the Armenian youth of South Florida and the Habitat youth
group called Habiarm.

Representing HfH Armenia office were Executive Director Ashot
Yeghiazaryan, and Resource Development Coordinator Zaruhi Tonapetyan.

South Florida ASA was represented by Michael Toumayan and
Vice-President Roupen Joubi, who noted that Armenian students have an
important role to play in initiating continuous contacts with
Armenia’s youth and encourage young South Florida Armenians to visit
Armenia and help rebuild the country from the devastation caused by
the 1988 earthquake that left many homeless.

Thousands in northern Armenia still live in metal shacks called
domiks, iron containers, erected for temporary quake relief. “It is
unacceptable to have our brothers and sisters living in such dire
conditions,” said advisor Alex Aghyarian.

The Executive Committee of the South Florida Armenian Students’
Association agreed to hold a workshop in the near future on
volunteer/internship opportunities in Armenia offered by various
Diaspora organizations, including the ASA. One of such organizations,
Birthright Armenia, has already shown interest to the Florida Atlantic
University ASA to hold a workshop sometime in 2006 in Boca Raton, Fla.

Mr. Yeghiazaryan stated that it is essential for an Armenian youth
organizations like ASA to have strong ties with and help Armenia,
especially through Habitat for Humanity Armenia. In his turn,
Mr. Joubi added that all young Armenians owe it to themselves and to
their homeland to go and visit there at least once in their life time;
this would be a great occasion to do just that. “Besides seeing and
experiencing Armenia, it is also rewarding to know that building your
country from bottom up with your own bare hands contributes to the
well being of your people and homeland.”

South Florida ASA is part of the National ASA branches throughout the
United States East Cost and is a student, non-profit organization
dedicated to enhancing the awareness about the Armenian culture. If
you would like to contact us, please write us at
[email protected]
