NKR: Ministry Of Health Worried


Azat Artsakh – Nagorno Karabakh Republic [NKR]
01 Aug  05

This year the NKR Ministry of Health included rounds to rural areas
in its annual programme. The visits showed that there is lack of
doctors in the communities. â~@~Many patients receive no treatment
and if this situation continues the doctors will no more be able to
help them,â~@~] said Karen Saghian, the head of the administration of
the ministry. This year the schedule of visits of doctors is more
concrete. The experts of the ministry know beforehand what
specialists the given region needs and take with them as much
equipment as possible. K. Saghian said this year visits to seven
communities have been planned. The doctors have already visited the
village of Mets, Taghlar, Hadrut region, and the villages of Gishi
and Berdashen in Martuni region and received 535 people. 150 people
were examined. After the examination several patients were sent to
the regional and republic hospitals. According to the head of the
department for organization of medical aid Karineh Alexanian,
patients with heart diseases and gastrointestinal diseases prevail.
Hypertension is also very common. â~@~The region of Hadrut we may
say has all the necessary specialists whereas Martuni and other
regions do not. That is why we have to send 10 or 12 specialists at a
time,â~@~] said Karineh Alexanian. The next visit is to the village
of Vank in Martakert region on these days. By the end of the year the
doctors will also visit the village of Astghashen in Askeran and the
region of Shushi. The seventh round will be for teachers in
Stepanakert in October, on the Day of Teachers. â~@~Many villages
have lack of specialists. We cannot propose a solution other than the
monthly rounds of the doctors of the regional hospitals, under the
control of the Ministry of Health.â~@~] Besides, the ministry
organizes prophylactic examinations of the staffs of different state
organizations and educational institutions. During these examinations
mentally deficient children, as well as children with weak eyesight
and hearing were found.

