Armenian Burning Paper

Carta d’Armenia – Armenian Burning Paper

Burning Paper

Famous throughout Europe, these amazing papers, which are exactly as
they were in the 16th century, remove odors from any space with their
frankincense and myrrh scent. Simply take one paper, fold into an
accordion shape and light one end, then, blow out flame. You will see
that the paper reacts like incense and because of the accordion fold
you should be able to stand it on its side. Burn for approximately
5 minutes to remove odors (staleness, dampness or mold, cooking
odors). You will smell the fragrance as well as a slight scent of
burning paper. Always place on a glass or ceramic surface (Plate or
bowl) to burn. Will cause ash which is easily washed off. Can also
be used as scented papers placed directly in drawers or closets. 25
scented papers per box.