Armenian-Swedish Political Relations Develop Dynamically


YEREVAN, AUGUST 12, NOYAN TAPAN. At the August 12 meeting with the
Swedish Prime Minister Staff’s State Secreatry Lars Danielsson, Vice
Speaker of the RA National Assembly Vahan Hovhannisian noted that the
political relations with Sweden are developing dynamically.

V. Hovhannisian briefly described the political situation in
Armenia. The issues of the constitutional reforms and the opposition’s
boycott were the pivotal ones during the meeting. NA Vice Speaker
expressed an opinion that the most realistic figures of the opposition
will return to parliament in order to amend the Constitution of the
country since it is quite obvious that the amended Constitution will
increase their rights and opportunities. Although the draft
constitutional amendments have been revised and improved, becoming
acceptable for European experts, V. Hovhannisian attached much more
importance to their being accepted by the people. According to the RA
National Assembly PR Department, the sides underlined the necessity of
keeping the public informed about the Constitutional amendments. The
main activities in this direction will be carried out after the
special session of the NA to be held on August 29 when the draft will
be passed in the second reading. The Swedish official showed interest
in the issue of the Armenian-Azerbaijani interparliamentary
cooperation. V. Hovhannisian explained that parliaments of the two
countries cooperate indirectly – within the framework of various
interparliamentary organizations. He said the Azerbaijani side rejects
the proposals for cooperation made by Armenia. He expressed concern
that this position of Azerbaijan may endanger the implementation of
the Wider Europe. New Neighborhood Program. The NA Vice Chairman noted
with satisfaction the Armenian-Swedish cooperation in various
international organizations. He assessed the report on the issue of
Nagorno Karabakh conflict settlement made by G. Lenmarker, a Swede by
nationality, as a great assistance for its realistic and balanced