BAKU: 3 Azeri Soldiers Face Criminal Charges

3 Azeri Soldiers Face Criminal Charges

Assa-Irada, Azerbaijan
Aug 19 2005

Three Azerbaijani soldiers accused of high treason and forging ties
with Armenian servicemen while serving at a military unit in Terter
District, northwest Azerbaijan, will be held criminally accountable,
military prosecutor Khanlar Valiyev told a news conference on Thursday.

Valiyev said that Ruslan Bakirov, Hikmat Taghiyev and Khayal Abdullayev
forged relations with Armenian military men and voluntarily entered
the territory controlled by Armenian forces. While in the so-called
‘captivity’, they informed Armenia of the number of weaponry units
and ammunition at their military unit and disclosed some confidential

Earlier reports said that the three soldiers were taken captive
by Armenia on February 15 after loosing their way and accidentally
passing to the Armenian side of the frontline.