Adoption of constitution is challenge for Armenia

AZG Armenian Daily #148, 23/08/2005



Artur Baghdasarian, chairman of RA National Assembly, and Rene van der
Linden, president of PACE, emphasized the importance of making
constitutional reforms in the course of the joint press conference. Mr. van
der Linden emphasized that PACE is a consulting body and doesn’t define any
penalties. While Armenia has undertaken certain commitments on making
constitutional reforms and if we fail to meet them, it may have negative
impact on the relations between Armenia and PACE, as well as on our
relations with CE. PACE president said that the adoption of the constitution
is a challenge. He added that the authorities and the opposition carry the
responsibility for that, as the constitution is for the whole country and
not for any particular party or the authorities. Mr. van der Linden
emphasized the importance of the awareness, especially in the issue of
adoption the constitution.

Artur Baghdasarian confirmed that they are on the path of democratization in
Armenia. Chairman of RA National Assembly give consent for broadcasting the
August 29 sitting dedicated to constitutional reforms.

Both speakers emphasized that the adoption of constitutional rights is of
great importance for the further development and progress of Armenia, as
well as for its authority.

By Nana Petrosian