What Have Russia And Turkey Prepared This Time?


Politics – 16 March 2015, 13:10

In 1921, on March 16 Russia and Turkey signed a treaty in Moscow.

Nakhijevan and part of Yerevan province were given to Azerbaijan,
Kars and Surmalu were given to Turkey. The treaty was called a treaty
of friendship and brotherhood.

With this treaty Russia and Turkey divided Armenia between them,
with full and demonstrative neglect for the interests of Armenia. In
addition, Russia was the side which initiated and surrendered.

Earlier, the Russian forces had come to Turkey’s rescue and prevented
the fragmentation and collapse of this country. Afterwards, the Russian
and Turkish troops set to ravage Armenia, which was the continuation
of the genocide and was intended to eliminate the resistance of the
Armenian people altogether.

According to the first clause of the treaty, the sides assume to
deny any international agreement or act which will be imposed on any
of the sides by force. This clause was aimed against the Treaty of
Sevres which recognized the sovereignty of Armenia in its historical
territories. Hence, Russia and Turkey signed this treaty to eliminate
the independent Armenian state, dividing the territories of Armenia.

They committed to help each other to overcome any international

Recently Russia and Turkey have reiterated their loyalty to this
treaty. And the Russian president Putin announced that the years
of Ataturk were the best years of the history of relations between
Russia and Turkey. In other words, the period when the independent
state of Armenia was destroyed and its territories were divided.

Now Russia and Turkey have appeared in a situation which is similar to
that of the twenties of the past century, i.e. international isolation
and risk of collapse. At that time, these two countries jointly got
over this situation through the 16 March 1921 treaty. Now they are
preparing for the establishment of the Russian-Turkish alliance.
