Sixteen Armenian Organizations Address Letter To US President


15:49 * 19.03.15

Sixteen Armenian organizations in the United States addressed a letter
to US President Barack Obama.

The letter reads:

H.E. Mr. Barack OBAMA The President of the United States of America
Your Excellency:

We are writing to encourage you to participate in Armenian Genocide
Centennial remembrance ceremonies, both in Armenia and here in the
United States.

We would be honored by your participation, in Yerevan, in the April
22nd and 23rd global forum, “Against the Crime of Genocide,” as well
as the solemn April 24th ceremony at Armenia’s Tsitsernakaberd Armenian
Genocide Memorial.

Here in the United States, we urge you to take part in the May 7th
special service at the National Cathedral organized by the Conference
of Catholic Bishops and the National Council of Churches of Christ.

As you know, your predecessor, President Woodrow Wilson, alerted by
Ambassador Henry Morgenthau’s urgent cables warning of a “campaign
of race extermination” against the Armenian people, authorized an
American Military Mission to Armenia, led by Major General James
Harbord, who submitted his report to Congress.

The report read in part: “mutilation, violation, torture and death have
left their haunting memories in a hundred beautiful Armenian valleys,
and the traveler in that region is seldom free from the evidence of
this most colossal crime of all the ages.”

With an outcry of support for the suffering of the Armenian people and
with widespread coverage in major newspapers, including the New York
Times and Washington Post, Congress chartered the Near East Relief,
which raised over $116 million to help aid survivors of the Armenian
Genocide, including 132,000 orphans.

Mr. President, the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide presents
a unique opportunity for the United States to honor our nation’s
proud role in protesting this crime against humanity and in bringing
relief to its survivors. Your unequivocal affirmation of the Armenian
Genocide will send a powerful message regarding America’s principled
stand against all genocides – past, present, and future.

In addition, your visit to Armenia can have a tremendous impact
on peace and stability in the South Caucasus region. As leaders
of organizations and faith-based groups representing our nation’s
citizens of Armenian heritage, we thank you for your consideration
of our request and look forward to hearing from you on this matter
of profound meaning for our community and all humanity.


Eastern Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America Armenian
Apostolic Church of America Eastern Prelacy Western Diocese of the
Armenian Apostolic Church of America Armenian Apostolic Church of
America Western Prelacy Armenian Missionary Association of America,
Armenian Evangelical Union of North America, Armenian Assembly
of America, Armenian National Committee of America, Armenian
Democratic-Liberal Party, Social Democratic Hunchagian Party,
Armenian Revolutionary Federation, Armenia Fund USA Inc., Armenian
General Benevolent Union, Armenian Relief Society of Eastern USA,
Armenian Bar Association, The Knights and Daughters of Vartan.