Second Heavy Brunt to Armenia

Second Heavy Brunt to Armenia

Haikazn Ghahriyan, Editor-in-Chief
Comments – 04 April 2015, 17:25

Armenia’s surrender to the EEU and other Russian projects was
explained by economic preferences and security. It was clear to many
people even on September 3 that it was not true, though at that time
there were no obvious signs. Instead, the pro-Russian agents and the
majority of political forces argued for the opposite though they never
came up with any valid counterargument.

A very short historical period passed, and everyone understood that no
economic benefits should be expected. In addition, it became
especially obvious after official membership to the EEU on 2 January
2015. This year, the economic relations between Russia and the other
EEU member states have declined, in some aspects, by up to 100%.

It has also become clear that Russia is trying to thwart any attempt
to diversify the Armenian economy while the Russian state corporations
in Armenia are on the verge of bankruptcy though they have been
squeezing our country of resources, setting the highest prices in the

The economic disaster in Armenia is determined by joining pro-Russian
projects. Often counterarguments are brought that the reason is the
financial and economic plight in Russia resulting from the
international policy. However, this “counterargument” only confirms
the abovementioned argument. And the excuses that other countries,
such as Georgia, aren’t doing any well are just demagogy because these
countries at least have a prospect and opportunity. Armenia has
relinquished such prospects by signing the EEU and the
Armenian-Russian agreements. Meanwhile, the existing situation in
Russia will last too long.

Now let’s go back to the security issue used to justify the annexation
of Armenia by Russian projects which is the most actual thing now.
While nobody is trying to cite reasons, the pro-Russian circles are
still “resisting” on this part. Although more obvious things are
happening here. In particular, since joining the EEU tension at the
borders of Armenia and Karabakh has increased, the enemy has risen to
a new level of military actions, using special operations and
equipment. In addition, it has been facilitated by close military and
political cooperation between Russia and Azerbaijan and the
international isolation of Armenia in the result of membership to
Russian projects.

Besides, Russia has made it clear that it is not likely to stop this
close defense cooperation and is not going to intervene and protect
its “strategic partner” in case of war. Nevertheless, however, the
pro-Russian circles continue to claim that the Russians will protect

This is where the biggest danger is hiding. The point is that in the
result of the behavior of the government and political forces, as well
as the behavior of large public circles Armenia has become a peculiar
“testing ground” for international politics. In this politics Armenia
is a model of what will happen to the countries which join Russian
projects and whose political forces and public voluntarily renounce

The example of the economy has demonstrated that the West has got us
on the “financial drip” to prevent a financial and economic collapse,
ensure return on its investments and unveil the bankruptcy of Russian

Now it is the turn of the security sphere which is going to be the
most painful one. According to the same logic, there will be a
large-scale war during which the Armenians will witness how their
“strategic ally” Russia is going to behave. Although, they may see but
not believe that it will not save from big disasters.

Is it possible to avoid this prospect? Nothing is impossible.
Apparently, however, first it needs to be demonstrated to Armenia with
all its “charm”. Is it cruel or unfair? But this is the price of the
behavior and mentality of political elites and societies. This is the
logic of the international politics and the price of failing to comply
with this politics, whether we want it or not.

The leadership of the Armenian army which is responsible ex officio
for the blood of our young men should already recruit squads of
minstrels and preachers of the “Russian security” and send them to the
front line. It is true that they will immediately desert to the
Azerbaijani side on Moscow’s order but it will not do us any harm.