Blaming Russia For Everything Becomes New Sport – Kremlin Spokespers


(c) Sputnik/ Vladimir Astapkovich
12:07 08.04.2015(updated 13:24 08.04.2015) Get short URL
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Wednesday that after a US official
blamed Russia of hacking the White House’s secret computers that such
claims have become a type of sport for the West.

(c) AP PHOTO/ RIC FELD,FILE Coverage When it Counts: CNN Rehashes
Baseless Claims of Russian White House Hackers MOSCOW (Sputnik) –
On Tuesday night, CNN cited a source that claimed Russia had hacked
the White House’s computers, saying those to blame “worked for the
Russian government.”

“In regard to CNN’s sources, I don’t know who their sources are. We
know that blaming everything on Russia has already turned into some
sort of sport. But what’s most important is that they aren’t looking
for any submarines in the Potomac River like has been seen in other
countries,” Peskov said.

The Potomac River flows through the capital of the United States,
Washington DC.

According to CNN, Russian hackers breached a White House computer
system in November 2014, retrieving personal information such as US
President Barack Obama’s schedule.

US authorities have not confirmed that Russia was behind the breach.

Washington repeatedly accused Moscow of cyberattacks but provided
no evidence for these claims. In February, US Director of National
Intelligence James Clapper named Russia, China, Iran and North Korea
as the leading cyberthreats to the United States.

Cybercrimes cost the United States about $100 billion annually, more
than any other country, according to a study by Intel Security and
the Center for Strategic and International studies.

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