Armenian Genocide Centennial Commemoration Events In Norway


15:21, 09 Apr 2015
Siranush Ghazanchyan

This year marks the 100th year since the Armenian Genocide by Ottoman
Turkey of 1915-1923. The Armenian Genocide, first genocide of the 20th
century, was planned and carried out by the “Young Turk” government
of Ottoman Turkey in 1915 (with subsidiaries to 1922-23). One and a
half million Armenians were killed on their ancestral lands.

The Armenian genocide is considered one of the three archetypes of
what constitutes a genocide by Norwegian and international historians.

Events and initiatives marking the centennial are being held around
the world throughout the year of 2015. Leaders from around the world
including presidents of France, Russia, Poland, Cyprus among others,
will gather in capital of Armenia, Yerevan, on April 24, to commemorate
this event.

Prime Minister Erna Solberg has not accepted the invitation to join the
commemorations in Yerevan. Neither is she willing to send a minister
or a state secretary.

The Armenian Cultural Association in Norway presents various
commemorative events marking the Armenian Genocide centennial in
Norway. Events on such a solid scale in Norway signal that the
country and the people of great explorer, scientist and humanist
-an outstanding advocate for the rights for the Armenian people –
Fridtjof Nansen, carry on his mission and demand that justice be
served, regardless of the controversial position of their government.

There is a wide variety of events planned in Oslo this year, as well
as events in Bergen and Stavanger. Organizations and individuals like
Norsk P.E.N., Jahn Otto Johansen,

Kirkelig KulturVerkstad, FN Sambandet (i Rogaland), the Armenian Church
Society and s at the Armenian Cultural Association among others have
been instrumental in keeping the memory of the 1.5 million martyred
Armenians alive in this country.

Over 12 successful events have already been organized in February and
March (some of them supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
Norway and the Fritt Ord Foundation) and there are over 10 different
cultural events planned in the month of April, presented below:

April 14 – Commemorative Concert by the acclaimed Armenian National

Orchestra in the Royal Cathedral in Oslo

April 18 – To Survive and Thrive: Public Lecture about Calouste
Gulbenkian (Oil Entrepreneur and philanthropist)

Presented by Jose Rodrigues dos Santos (Portugal)

Cello concert – Martin Rasten (Norway)

April 19 – Historic Sunday: The Armenian Genocide

By Jahn Otto Johansen

April 21 – Norsk PEN’s Annual Meeting-Seminar: The Centennial of the
Armenian Genocide

Meeting with a prominent Turkish Human Rights Activist Ragip Zarakolu

April 22 – Meeting about the Armenian Genocide with Otto Johansen

April 24 – March for Recognition of the Armenian Genocide

Route: The march with torches begins at Youngstorget at 19.00, and
then moves through

Torggata, Stortorvet and up Karl Johan gate to Stortinget (the

April 24, STAVANGER – Armenian Liturgy for the 1.5 mln martyrs of
the Armenian Genocide at St. Svithun Catholic Church

April 24, BERGEN – Commemorating the Centennial of the Armenian

Place: Near the Nansen Khachkar memorial outside Reksten Samlingene

April 25 – Armenian Liturgy

Place: Royal Cathedral, Oslo