Armenia’s biggest mistake


| 12:51:37 | 03-09-2005 | Politics |

Failed meeting and empty talks. This is the assessment given by NA
member Aram G. Sargsyan to the Kazan meeting of the Armenian and
Azerbaijani Presidents. To note, A. Sargsyan himself participates in
international meetings for the elaboration of the alternative ways
of the peaceful settlement of the Karabakh conflict.

A model has been worked out by the representatives of Armenia,
Karabakh and Azerbaijan. According to A. Sargsyan, no one showed
any interest in the document except the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs,
who assessed it as positive.

~SThe interests of the Armenian people should be precisely expressed in
a corresponding concept, which is absent today. Azerbaijan toughens its
position day by day and it is rather surprising that Robert Kocharian
and Vartan Oskanian are constantly speaking of progress. However
Azerbaijan is not going to recognize the independence of Nagorno
Karabakh or its joining to Armenia. So what is the discussion held
about? If the issue of the returning of the territories is considered
while the status is not determined yet, so this can be rated as
treason~T, the deputy said.

In A. Sargsyan~Rs opinion, the policy pursued by the incumbent
is dangerous and erroneous and the first mistake Armenia made is
that it had not recognized the independence of Nagorno Karabakh
from Azerbaijan. ~SFrom Azerbaijan, I emphasize, because we have a
resolution of December 1 on unification. After all we should take
into account one important circumstance- Nagorno Karabakh is a
part of Armenia and was forcibly joined to Azerbaijan. If we forget
this fact the independence of NKR will become senseless. Presently
we know that that the people of Karabakh have declared NKR an
independent republic. This is their will and Armenia must recognize
the independence of Karabakh. After that Armenia should establish a
dialogue with Azerbaijan,~T he said.

The deputy is against the negotiation between Armenia and
Azerbaijan. He is convinced that the talks should be held by Azerbaijan
and NKR. However an Agreement of Armistice should be signed between
Azerbaijan and Armenia and this agreement will serve as a security
guarantee for Karabakh.

Lena Badeyan