Karabakh War Veteran Starts Hunger Strike


17:21 | April 20,2015 | Politics

Karabakh war veteran Khachik Avetisyan is beginning a hunger strike
outside the Ombudsman’s Office in Yerevan with a demand to release
political prisoners in Armenia.

Mr Avetisyan says he has chosen the venue deliberately to call
Ombudsman Karen Andreasyan’s attention to his demand.

Later in the evening the freedom fighter will go home and continue
the hunger strike there until April 25. He will return to the site
on Saturday and continue the protest there until the jailed members
of the Founding parliament movement are set free.

The Karabakh war veteran says they do not seek to come to power,
nor do their want to join the ranks of the opposition. “We are all
Armenians and we want to leave in peace,” he stressed.
