The sport-concert complex sold


| 19:11:12 | 09-09-2005 | Social |


Today the RA authorities sold the sport-concert complex after Karen
Demirchyan for 5 million 700 thousand USD. The contract was signed today
between the RA Government and the Russian organization BAMO.

After the signing the organization rendered a 40-minute press conference.
The head of the BAMO holding Mourad Mouradyan started the meeting with the
journalists with these words, `We are residents of Martouni, and we were
born and educated in Armenia…’. In one word, the new owners of the Complex
tried to soothe the negative attitude towards them created in the Republic
and introduced themselves as patriots.

According to the BAMO head, the RA President has put forward two conditions:
the name of the Complex must not be changed, and it must preserve its
functional meaning. The organization has agreed. According to the contract
the area of 19.5 hectares including the fountains and the stairs has also
been sold. The organization has taken up the commitment to make an
investment of 9-10 million USA in 3 years.