Karabakh conflict to be disclosed in Paris


| 19:43:55 | 09-09-2005 | Politics |


With this first substantive meeting of a special PACE ad hoc sub-committee
on the conflict on September 12 in Paris, representatives of Armenia and
Azerbaijan, members of the OSCE Minsk Group and an EU representative will
discuss the latest situation in the peaceful settlement of the Karabakh
conflict. It is already known that the discussion will not be open to the

According to the revised draft program, the works will start at 9.30 a.m.
with the opening speech of Lord Russell-Johnston, Chairman of the Ad-hoc
Committee. First the historical background of the conflict will be
represented by the Executive Director of the London Information Network on
Conflicts and State-Building (LINKS). Within the framework of the
discussions Armenia will be represented by Mr. Varoujan Nersissian, Head of
Department on OSCE, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Azerbaijan will be
represented by Mr. Araz Azimov, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of
Azerbaijan. Besides the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs, Mr. Goran Lenmarker,
OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Special Representative on Nagorno-Karabakh
Conflict and Mr. Heikki Talvitie, EU Special Representative for the South
Caucasus will participate in the discussion.

According to the agenda, the work of the Committee will last a day.