Armenian Opposition Faction Ends Boycott Of Parliament


Mediamax news agency
12 Sep 05

Yerevan, 12 September: The sixth session of the third Armenian
parliament convened in Yerevan today to consider an agenda of 86
items and ratify 30 agreements.

At a briefing in Yerevan the speaker of the Armenian parliament,
Artur Bagdasaryan, emphasized the forthcoming consideration of the
package of constitutional changes in the third final reading. He spoke
for the conduct of the constitutional referendum in a free atmosphere
and stressed that “the time of falsifications has passed away”.

The parliament faction of the opposition National Unity Party returned
to the parliament, while the faction of the Justice bloc continues
to boycott the work of the parliament, which started in February
2004. Today Bagdasaryan called on the Justice bloc to rejoin the
parliamentary sessions and take up full law making activities.

The 15th anniversary of the parliament of independent Armenia will
be solemnly marked in November, the speaker said.

The speakers of the Slovakian, Hungarian, Romanian, Russian and
Brazilian parliaments will visit Armenia this year at the invitation
of the chairman of the Armenian National Assembly [parliament]. A
seminar of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly will take place in Yerevan
in October.