Much time necessary for comprehensive settlement of Karabakh issue

Pan Armenian News


16.09.2005 07:51

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ `It is already that various structures have recognized the
fact that without a direct participation of the NKR even finding ways to
solve the conflict is problematic,’ NKR FM Arman Melikyan stated at a
meeting with local and accredited journalists in Stepanakert. The Minister
said he is sure that `Nagorno Karabakh will be internationally recognized –
at that in the future that is not so far.’ In his opinion, much time is
necessary for comprehensive settlement of the problem. `The legislative
activities are one of most important components from the point of view of
international recognition. We have done much in this respect: the other day
the Parliament passed a number of major acts referring to foreign policy,
including the NKR law on international agreements. Our legislation has
certain shortcomings in this respect, these should be eliminated, then we
will be able to join international conventions. I am sure that before the
end of the year we will realize what we have planned,» A. Melikyan said.
When commenting on the scientific conference with participation of
representatives of unrecognized republics, A. Melikyan called it a good
opportunity for presenting the NK issue from a serious rostrum and to get
acquainted with others’ problems. «I would like for similar conferences to
be organized in Strasbourg, New York and other centers of international
significance,» the NKR FM remarked, reported IA Regnum.