It’s important to comprehend mission of constitution


| 11:44:06 | 17-09-2005 | Politics |


For implementing any law including the Constitution political will is
essential, human rights activist Vardan Haruryunyan considers.

He is convinced that after the adoption of the constitutional amendments
there will be no fair election or independent media in Armenia; people will
not be protected. `I do not bound the recovery of our society with the
constitutional amendments, moreover at the incumbent leadership and
parliament’, he said.

Though the Constitution is written not only for political forces some
politicians express opinion being even not acquainted with the draft. We
wondered whether V. Harutyunyan is familiarized with the draft adopted in
the second reading by the NA. `I have nit only read it also watched the
discussions in the NA. I am not a lawyer and do not wish to state which
clause is bad or good. As a human rights activist I can say that the
operating Constitution is a working one and the necessity to change it
appeared not as result of the development of the society but as result of
the pressure exerted from outside and the commitments we undertook. Today
the process of adoption of the constitutional amendments is artificial and
consequently their adoption cannot be rated as a positive phenomenon’, V.
Harutyunyan noted.

He will not take part in the discussions but is going to take part in the
referendum and say `no’ to the constitutional amendments.

When commenting on the possible failure of the referendum V. Harutyunyan
said that independently of the number of the voters and their opinion the
incumbents leadership will declare that the referendum was a success.

Chairman of `Free tribune for civic initiatives’ public organization Gayane
Markosyan contrary to V. Harutyunyan welcomes the constitutional amendments
and is discontent with the fact that public organizations do not take active
part in the process. `We think that one should not raise the question about
`yes’ or `no’. The problem is much more serious. We have many times violated
the operating Constitutions and there is no guarantee that the reviewed
Constitution will not be violated’, she noted.

‘Our main problem is the establishment of constitutional order in our
country. Today in Armenia the Constitution is violated both by ordinary
citizens and high rank officials’, she resumed.

Victoria Abrahamyan