Dress rehearsal before the strike


| 16:29:30 | 14-09-2005 | Social |


Today the staff and the trade union of the `General Transworld’
Manufacturing Company CJSC organized a warning strike. Tomorrow they will
work again, and if the `warning strike’ finds no answer, they will go a
long-lasting strike on September 19.

Since 2001 the company has failed to give wages of about 198 million ARMD to
its workers. Some of them have received part of their wages, but there are
people who have not received any at all.

Let us remind you that on August 25 and 26, 2005, 400 workers of the Company
organized an act of complaint demanding to get their salary of the last two

According to the head of the Company’s trade union Haroutyun Heroyan, on
August 26 the Head of the company Margaryan invited the participants of the
action to negotiate, where the latters were beaten severely by the guards.

The participants of the strike demand to give them the possibility to have
paid vacations, not to work on Saturdays as they are not paid for those
days, to get their wages, as well as to accept back the 9 workers who were
fired from work.

By the way, the workers have also turned to the RA President and the
Government, and they are determined to fight till the end.