Armenian Chamber Choir to Take Part in Forthcoming Festival in Halle

National Assembly of RA, Armenia
Sept 23 2005

Armenian Chamber Choir to Take Part in Forthcoming Festival in Halle

On September 22, Hranush Hakobyan, Chairwoman of RA NA Standing
Committee on Science, Education, Culture and Youth met Tomas
Buchholz, Chairman of `Sachsen Anhalt’ Composers’ Union of Germany
and Harutiun Topikyan, Artistic Director of the Armenian State
Chamber Choir.

Mr. Buchholz, who is also the Artistic Director of the annually
organized festival, noted that during the recent years he actively
cooperated with the Armenian musicians, the works of the Armenian
composers sound in Halle with participation of Armenian musical
groups and choirs. The German composer informed that this year at
November 11-19 forthcoming festival Armenian State Chamber Choir will
also take part, and a day of the festival will be dedicated to the
90th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.

Mrs. Hakobyan highlighted the development of the Armenian-German
cultural ties and expressed readiness to promote those ties to be
more strengthened.