Armenian MES: new antihail missile launchers will be launched from October 2017

ARMINFO News Agency, Armenia
August 7, 2017 Monday

Armenian MES: new antihail missile launchers will be launched from October 2017

Yerevan August 07

Naira Badalyan. Antihail Russian company, in addition to the
previously stipulated 2 anti-hail missile installations, will provide
Armenia with another one, out of 2 will be installed in the Aragatsotn
district of Armenia, 1 in Armavir.

According to Armenian MES press service, the head of the department
visited the radar station of the Artashavan community in Aragatsotn,
got acquainted with the progress of its modernization in the framework
of Government's program for the introduction of a new anti-hail
missile defense system. The radar will serve these installations. At
this stage, the station in 1973 is equipped with new digital equipment
with the help of specialists from Russia.

"New antihail missile launchers will be delivered to Armenia next
month, and launched in October this will ensure reliable protection
against the hail of 45 thousand hectares of agricultural land," the
ministry reports.

To note, in September in Armavir and Aragatsotn districts a new system
of anti-hail missile defense will be tested in the pilot version.
Earlier, under the order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the
company Antihail carried out research on the basis of which it
presented mechanisms and possibilities for the modernization of the
Armenian anti-hail systems. Speech, first of all, is about the
possibility of automatic application of missile technologies in order
to reduce the damage to agricultural crops. According to preliminary
estimates, every year the country's agriculture is losing about 5-6
percent of the crop from hail loss. Meanwhile, the use of advanced
missile technology will allow 80-90% to reduce this damage.
Modernization is subject to radar stations, the presence of which will
effectively use anti-hail facilities and aircraft. Research company
Antihail was conducted on an area of 1.134 million hectares, compiled
a map of the most suitable sites for station location. Their
installation will minimize the human factor, it will be managed from a
single center. In addition, missiles do not pose a threat of
explosion, they are safe for aircraft, because of the maximum height
of 5-6 km. The application of the new system will be effective not
only for agriculture, but also for the smooth operation of civil
aviation. The presented system is accessible and effective, capable of
being used for 15-20 years. According to official data, as of the end
of October 2016, according to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of
Armenia, there are 496 anti-hail stations in the republic, but 5000
stations are needed to protect farms from hail.