Forecast: New US sanctions against Moscow can help liberate Armenia from Russia’s imperial encroachments

ARMINFO News Agency, Armenia

Forecast: New US sanctions against Moscow can help liberate Armenia
from Russia's imperial encroachments

 Yerevan August 11

17. Arminfo, David Stepanyan. New sanctions in general Congress shows
the world the next axis of evil in the face of Russia, North Korea and
Iran. Thus, a new blow is being struck across Russia in the form of
determining its place in the international coordinate system in the
American sense. Director of the Armenian Center for Political and
International Relations Aghasi Yenokyan expressed this opinion to
ArmInfo. US Vice President Michael Pence conditioned the possibility
of lifting new sanctions "by the Kremlin's fulfillment of its
obligations," regretfully stressing that "Russia's recent diplomatic
moves are telling the opposite."

"As for Iran, his so strong rejection of President Trump, in my
opinion, is due to his personal inability to form a fundamentally new
foreign policy agenda of Washington .In this light, he is compelled to
simply destroy everything that was created by his predecessor Barack
Obama, including Including significant progress made in the settlement
of US-Iranian relations, in general, and Iran's nuclear problem, in
particular, by the way, this aspiration is felt not only in foreign
but also in domestic policy. United . X US In this case, in a hurry
and congressmen, trying to tie the hands of Trump and prevent the
realization of his personal ambitions and preferences in this matter,"
said the analyst.

Yenokyan is convinced that the new package of US anti-Russian
sanctions will have negative consequences for the Armenian economy.
According to his estimates, this scenario is inevitable, given
Armenia's serious dependence on transfers received from Russia. The
political scientist believes that it is already clear today that the
new sanctions will lead to their further reduction. He is also
convinced that finding Armenia in the area of Russian influence as a
result of tightening the US sanctions policy will automatically lead
to even greater isolation of Armenia.

At the same time, Yenokyan does not rule out that the implementation
of all the latest US sanctions against Moscow is capable of leading
Russia to significant changes that are fully capable of helping to
free Armenia from Russian imperial encroachments. According to his
estimates, the impulses towards Russia can be so lightning that
Armenia will not even have to withdraw from the EEU or CSTO.

"The new sanctions are directly affecting and exerting pressure on the
interests of the significant stratum of the Russian oligarchy, and as
a result, these people are quite capable of refusing to accept the
internal results of external Putin's policies. Light, the likelihood
of cardinal changes within the Russian ruling class is, in my opinion,
sufficiently substantiated, tangible and therefore predictable.
Possible," summed up the political scientist.