Expert: Armenia is among leaders according to cancer mortality, Armenia

Aug 13 2017

YEREVAN. – Armenia is among leaders according to cancer mortality, environmentalist and former Minister of Nature Preservation of Armenia, Karine Danielyan, told Armenian News –

In her words, when the World Health Organization (WHO) published information according to which Armenia was on the lead, the Ministry of Health stated that the conclusion was based on wrong data. “Well, I took the data of the Ministry of Health. We turned out to be between first and second places, which is not good either. But this depends on how we count. If we count for a 3 million population, we again come first. This year we rank the second after Zambia according to the WHO data. Nobody is concerned about this and asks what’s wrong. When I am raising an issue, I am told that the WHO is wrong and that everything is fine in our country, there being no need to raise such bad issues. I think, first of all, the environment is to be blamed for,” Danielyan noted.

According to the environmentalist, lots of studies were conducted on the impact of the environment and climate change on the health of children. “Obviously, the most polluted territories were observed–territories polluted with heavy metals. The interconnection between the environment and health can be clearly seen. Town of Lori ranks first, being followed by Syunik and Yerevan,” she added.