ICRC staff visited persons who, as a result of the Karabakh conflict, are held by the parties

ARMINFO News Agency, Armenia

ICRC staff visited persons who, as a result of the Karabakh conflict,
are held by the parties

Yerevan September 30

Mariana Mkrtchyan. Representatives of the International Committee of
the Red Cross (ICRC) met with persons who, as a result of the
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, are held by the parties to this conflict.

According to Ilah Huseynov, the head of the public relations
department of the Azerbaijani representation of the ICRC,
representatives of the structure visited the persons who were detained
as a result of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in September: "We
regularly visit persons detained as a result of the conflict. In
accordance with its mandate, the ICRC organizes visits in order to
monitor the conditions of detention and treatment of detainees, as
well as to help ensure the connection of detainees with their
families." To note, at the present time in Nagorno-Karabakh there are
three Azerbaijani saboteurs, Dilgam Askerov and Shahbaz Guliyev,
serving sentences in Nagorno-Karabakh, as well as Elnur Huseynzade,
who was captured near the Karabakh village of Talish on February 1,
2017, on suspicion of attempting sabotage and illegal crossing of the
state border of Artsakh.

Azerbaijani citizens Shahbaz Guliyev (born in 1968), Dilgam Askerov
(born in 1960), and the liquidated third participant of the group
Hasan Hasanov, carrying weapons and ammunition, illegally crossed the
state border of Artsakh on June 29, penetrated into the territory of
the Shahumyan district of the republic with the purpose of carrying
out reconnaissance activities. These individuals on a special mission
collected information and carried out espionage activities. Moreover,
they, with the use of weapons, kidnapped a minor citizen of Artsakh
Smbat Tsakanyan on July 4, whose body was found on July 15 with
gunshot wounds in the forest belt of Karvachar and Manashid
communities of Shahumyan district. In addition, Gasanov killed a
resident of Yerevan Sargis Abrahamyan (born in 1971) on the 32nd
kilometer of the Vardenis-Karvachar highway on the grounds of national
hatred on the evening of July 11, and Karine Davtyan, a resident of
Dzoraghbyur village of Kotayk province, caused gunshot wounds. He
showed armed resistance during the operation to detain him and was
shot dead. At a meeting on December 29, 2014, Dilgam Askerov was
sentenced to life imprisonment. Shahbaz Guliyev was sentenced to 22
years in prison. The Court of Appeal left the verdict unchanged.

In Azerbaijan, two Armenians are detained - a prisoner of war, Arsen
Baghdasaryan, convicted by the Baku court for 15 years of imprisonment
and a shepherd Zaven Karapetyan, who was captured this summer.