Atom Janjughazyan: There is an increase in the state budget (video)

Today at the joint sitting of the RA NA Standing Committees on State Legal Affairs, Human Rights and Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs, MP Tigran Urikhanyan, Deputy of the Tsarukyan Alliance, asked Atom Janjughazyan, Deputy Minister of Finance, during the discussion of the draft law on State Budget of the Republic of Armenia for 2018, whether there ere changes in financial means. “Has money been added to the state budget? Will it be added in 2018? If yes, then is it due to investments or is it due to development?”

Atom Janjughazyan answered: “To tell the truth I have not noticed that I have skipped over such questions, since I did my best to touch upon all the questions. There may be some questions to which I will not have answers. My honesty will let me say that I cannot answer. If we compare the numbers of the two years, we will see that next year both expenses and income will increase by 100 million drams.And we will be able to make judgments only in 2019 on whether money has increased or not. At least at this moment we can say that yes, there is an increase in the state budget.”