Armenian diplomacy in Brussels made serious counter strike to Azerbaijan, Armenia
Nov 16 2017
Armenian diplomacy in Brussels made serious counter strike to Azerbaijan Armenian diplomacy in Brussels made serious counter strike to Azerbaijan

15:08, 16.11.2017




A large-scale attempt of falsification undertaken by Azerbaijan, aimed at neutralizing the efforts of the international community towards the settlement of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, as well as damaging the developing relations between Armenia and EU on the eve of the Eastern Partnership summit in Brussels was thwarted at the European Parliament.

The destructive steps of Azerbaijani side were managed to be identified thanks to the permanent representation of Armenia is Brussels, as well as the targeted work of the Armenian lobbying organizations in Brussels.

At the plenary session of the European Parliament a resolution was adopted with an overwhelming majority of votes. In the resolution, for already the second time, the right of the people of Nagorno-Karabakh to self-determination is practically recognized by repeating the precedent taken in connection with the 72nd session of General Assembly of UN, when due to persistent efforts of the Armenian side in Brussels, the European Parliament recognized the right of Artsakh people to self-determination.

This resolution is of a significant importance, because it determines the expectations of the partnership at the eve of the Eastern Partnership. It also points on the logic of the further development of the Eastern Partnership, that’s why there is no wonder that Azerbaijani side put efforts to change the main idea and the logic of the resolution.

Particularly, the Azerbaijani side, acting in it style of “Laundromat”, could manage to make the authors add twenty annexes that are against the peaceful regulation of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and are against Armenia. The additions represented Nagorno-Karabakh as a part of Azerbaijan and contained other pro-Azeri wordings and demanded the return the refugees.

Nonetheless, due to the principal attitude of the European side and the persistent work of the Armenian side, all the destructive annexes of the Azerbaijani side were rejected. Moreover, the right of Nagorno-Karabakh people to self-determination was again ascertained.

After the rejection of the annexes where Armenia was depicted in negative light, Armenia was announced to be a positive example and a relating link in the two integration areas of the EU and the Eurasian Union.

Thus, another Azerbaijani provocation faced a serious opposition in Brussels, thanks to the Armenian diplomacy in favor of the peaceful regulation of Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and the development of Armenia-EU relationship.