Armenia to transition to international road signs’ system, Armenia
Feb 7 2018
Armenia to transition to international road signs’ system Armenia to transition to international road signs’ system

14:23, 07.02.2018

YEREVAN. – The main objective of the Convention on Road Signs and Signals is to facilitate international traffic and increase traffic safety level. The Convention specifies a single system of road signs and markings.  

Gagik Grigoryan, First Deputy Minister of Transport, Communication and Information Technologies of Armenia, on Wednesday said the abovementioned at the National Assembly debates with respect to the bill on ratification of the Convention.

In his words, by joining this convention, Armenia will have to adopt the road signs’ system under this agreement and to put it into operation as soon as possible.

To all intents and purposes, this is a transition from the ex-Soviet road signs’ system to a more modern and internationally-accepted road signs’ system. 

Azerbaijan, however, has joined the Convention with reservations noting that it is impossible for it to carry out the convention requirements in the areas “occupied” by Armenia.

And Armenia, for its part, has submitted an objection that Azerbaijan is deliberately misrepresenting the essence of the Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh) conflict, and that it has occupied some territories of Karabakh as a result of large-scale military aggression.