Sports: Mickipedia: Henrikh Mkhitaryan checks his Wiki page for true or false info

MediaMax, Armenia
Feb 9 2018
Mickipedia: Henrikh Mkhitaryan checks his Wiki page for true or false info
Arsenal has published a video with Henrikh Mkhitaryan, where the Armenian midfielder confirms or denies the information given on his Wikipedia page.

These are the questions in the Mickipedia video that the player answered:

– Is it true you come from a football-oriented family?

– Yes, it is true. My mother works for the Armenian Football Federation and my sister for UEFA.

– Is it true you had a trial in Sao Paolo as a 14-year-old?

– I have been to Brazil. I trained in the Sao Paolo training ground where I was 13. I was training with Hernanes and Anderson, who played for Inter, Juventus, and Lazio. Now I think he’s in China. 

– Is it true that you would have been a sprinter if not for football?

– No, that’s not right.

– You were named Armenia Footballer of the Year in 2009 and from 2011 to 2017. What happened in 2010?!

– They changed the rules. They were awarding only the players in the Armenian league.

– Is it true that your dream as a child was to become a lawyer?

– Yes, it was one of my dreams, but it’s not too late. After my football career, maybe I will work as a lawyer.