Sports: French Armenian businessman buys 20% stake in Italian football club

PanArmenian, Armenia
Feb 23 2018

PanARMENIAN.NetFrench businessman of Armenian origin Joseph Marie Oughourlian has acquired a 20% stake in the Italian football club Calcio Padova S.p.A, Sputnik Armenia reports.

46-year-old Oughourlian came to the press conference with his family, including his wife, two sons and a daughter, all of whom were wearing red-and-white scarves.

The businessman welcomed journalists in well-mastered Italian, Il Mattino di Padova says.

Padova is the third football club in which the French-Armenian has invested after buying a controlling stake in France’s Lance football club. Also, he owns the shares of the club Millonarios Cuadro Azul of Colombia.

Oughourlian is Founder, Managing Partner and Portfolio Manager at Amber Capital LP. he is the founder of Amber Capital and specializes in activist and event-driven investing.Oughourlian founded Amber Capital in New York in November 2005, and leads the investment offices in London and Milan.