Azerbaijani Press: Azerbaijan calls Dutch parliament’s decision ‘biased’

Azeri-Press news agency (APA)

Azerbaijan calls Dutch parliament's decision 'biased'

Azerbaijan's Foreign Ministry considers the decision of the House of
Representatives of the Dutch Parliament on the so-called Armenian
genocide tendentious and biased, Hikmat Hajiyev, spokesman for
Azerbaijan's Foreign Ministry, told APA.

It is inadmissible to manipulate distorted historical facts for biased
political ambitions, Hajiyev noted.

He said that the Armenian side, pursuing dirty political goals,
continues to refuse the opening of archives and the joint study of
'Armenian genocide' by historians.

'Because during World War I, Armenians committed atrocities against
people on ethnic grounds in Anatolia, in the historical Azerbaijani
lands of Zangazur and Goycha, and in Karabakh. They also carried out
genocide against the Azerbaijani people in Baku and other Azerbaijani
cities in March 1918,' the spokesman said. 'Since the late 1980s,
Armenia committed numerous acts of military and inhumane crime and
genocide against Azerbaijan. More than a million Azerbaijanis were
subjected to bloody ethnic cleansing in Armenia and occupied
territories. The worst happened in Khojaly in Azerbaijan's
Nagorno-Karabakh region, where an act of genocide was committed
against Azerbaijanis with the participation of current Armenian
political and military leaders on 26 February 1992.'

Hajiyev urged the Dutch House of Representatives to avoid double
standards and to assess the Khojaly genocide on the eve of its
anniversary, upon the principles of justice and objectivity.

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