Venice Commission to Express Opinion on Const. Reforms in Armenia


| 21:37:14 | 29-09-2005 | Politics |


Commission and representatives from other international organizations are to
hold a round table with representatives of Armenian political parties, media
and civil society on constitutional reform.

They will discuss the proposed new constitution at a meeting in Yerevan at
4pm on Friday 30 September 2005, at the offices of the National Assembly.
This text, which was finalized by the National Assembly on 28 September, is
the result of five years of continuous efforts. It will be put to a
referendum at the end of November.

The Venice Commission considers the proposed constitution to be a decisive
step forward for a number of reasons:

* It provides a much better balance between the powers of the President and
the Parliament

* It also provides for the abolition of the death penalty and for better
recognition and protection of other human rights

* A more independent judiciary and a stronger local self-government are
among other major improvements.

The Venice Commission’s positive assessment of the draft constitution is
shared by the European Union and the OSCE. At the same time certain issues
are not considered to be addressed clearly by the current draft and the
international experts attending the round table are ready to explain how the
proposed new constitution can nevertheless provide viable solutions.

Among the Armenian participants will be representatives of civil society and
a large spectrum of political groups, including those who oppose the
referendum and who are not represented in the National Assembly.

The round table is open to the press.