Latest developments concerning north-south road in Armenia reviewed

IRNA – Islamic Republic News Agency, Iran
March 9 2018
Latest developments concerning north-south road in Armenia reviewed


    The latest developments in relation to construction of north-south road in Armenia were reviewed in a Wednesday's meeting in Yerevan between the Iranian ambassador to Armenia, deputy minister of road and urban development and Iran's envoy to TRACECA. TRACECA is an international transport program involving the European Union and 14 member states of the Eastern European, Caucasian and Central Asian region.

In the meeting which coincided with the 13th session of TRACECA, Iran's Ambassador Kazem Sajjadi said given the contribution of some European and Asian countries such as China to the north-south road project in Armenia, it would hopefully come on stream soon.

He also pinpointed the importance of cooperation on the part of TRACECA in facilitating transport and transit of goods between the Black Sea and the Persian Gulf.

The 13th session of TRACECA was held in Yerevan from March 6-7 during which Armenia took over the rotating chair of the entity from Ukraine.