Cyprus issue and Turkish provocations discussed between Cypriot Ambassador and Armenian President

Cyprus News Agency
March 9, 2018 Friday
Cyprus issue and Turkish provocations discussed between Cypriot Ambassador and Armenian President
The Cyprus solution and the recent Turkish provocations in the island`s exclusive economic zone (EEZ) were discussed during a meeting the new Ambassador of Cyprus to Armenia, based in Moscow, Leonidas S. Markides had with President Serzh Sargsyan upon presenting his credentials.
According to a press release by the Foreign Ministry, the President of Armenia referred to the traditionally high level of relations between Cyprus and Armenia and stressed the importance of the continuous efforts in maintaining and enhancing the centuries-long warm and friendly ties between the Armenian and Cypriot people.
Ambassador Markides conveyed to the Armenian President greetings and best wishes on behalf of the President of the Republic Nicos Anastasiades and briefed him on the latest developments on the Cyprus issue as well as the recent provocative actions of Turkey in the EEZ of Cyprus.
Markides also had a thorough discussion with the Armenian President on issues relating to the political dialogue that exists between the two countries and the cooperation in the framework of international organizations. They also discussed the effective use of the existing legal framework for the further development of cooperation in various areas between Cyprus and Armenia, including the development of commercial ties and steps aimed at expanding cooperation in the fields of tourism and culture.
The Ambassador thanked President Sargsyan for his warm welcome and assured that he would do his utmost to promote even further the exemplary friendship and cooperation that exists in all areas of relations between Armenia and Cyprus.
Last month, Turkish warships blocked twice a vessel bound for drilling activities in Cyprus' EEZ block 3 on behalf of Italian energy company ENI.
Cyprus has been divided since 1974 when Turkey invaded and occupied its northern third. Numerous UN-backed negotiatons , aiming at reuniting the island under a federal roof, failed to yield results.