Film: Diana Kardumyan’s "TOMBE" included in competition program of Moscow Int’l Film Festival

Panorama, Armenia
Culture 13:17 31/03/2018 Armenia

Armenian filmmaker Diana Kardumyan’s "TOMBE" drama has been included in the Short Films Competition program of the Moscow International Film Festival.

The short  program features a total of 9 films produced in Canada, Sweden, Norway, Bulgaria and Russia, including two co-productions of Austria-Germany-Sweden and Palestine-Lebanon, was informed from the festival’s official website.

"TOMBE" focuses on a woman named Kara, who works in the “Goldfish” eatery all day long washing dishes. Her life has become a closed circle of grey days far from the colors of the big city. Every day she walks home alone at night. She saves money for her family. But one night an unexpected incident changes her daily routine.

The 19-minute short drama has been shot in Yerevan, Armenia’s capital. The film scriptwriters are Vahram Martirosyan and Diana Kardumyan. The film cast includes Narine Grigoryan, Tatev Ghazaryan, Tatev Hovakimyan, and Armen Margaryan. It is produced by ANEVA Production company with the support of National Cinema Centre of Armenia, Apotheosis Film Production and Moscow Cinema.