Tourism: Impossible to imagine tourism without cultural component – Ara Khzmalyan

ARKA, Armenia

YEREVAN, April 12. /ARKA/. Armenia's rich historical and cultural heritage has never left the country's guests indifferent. At the same time, Armenia can hardly be called 'a tourist magnet' even in the context of the region. However, things started changing in recent years, and the number of tourists is growing from year to year. Meanwhile, it is necessary to be nail down any success not to leave it in the history as a short bright flash.  The Tourism Development Fund of Armenia has been established in the country for this very purpose.  In an interview with ARKA News Agency, Ara Khzmalyan, director of the fund, presented the mechanisms used for attracting tourists. 

ARKA – What in Armenia's tourist market can attract well-versed Russian tourists?

Khzmalyan –Perception of Russian market shouldn’t be limited to Moscow and Saint Petersburg. Russia is an enormous territory with rich northern regions, which fill the bulk of Russia's budget. We are outlining now very important projects to attract tourists exactly from Russia's northern regions.    What can be attractive in Armenia for Russian tourists? First of all, hospitality and comfort. There is no language barrier here, and this is very important to Russians. We have also plenty in common – we are connected to each other historically. In addition, Russians like Armenian cuisine, our wine and brandy.  
Russians don't feel alien in Armenia – they feel free here. 'Russian Trace' tourist project is first of all aimed at enhancing psychological comfort. Very important steps have already been taken for that, for example, Russian citizens are allowed to visit Armenia with their national identity documents. This is a really friendly gesture from the Armenian side. Russia has always been considered as key tourist market, but we still have to do plenty to attract tourists from Russia. 

ARKA – And what is age category of Russian travelers to Armenia?

Khzmalyan – Our studies show that mostly young people come to Armenia. They come here with their families to have a good rest and experience Armenia as tourist country. Now many people already make their hotel and ticket reservations independently, without resorting to operators’ mediation.  We have plenty to do to increase the inflow of individual travelers. 

ARKA – What measures are to be taken to enhance Armenia awareness? What PR campaigns are planned?

Khzmalyan – First of all, we want to spur Armenian communities in Russia’s northern regions, since were see a big potential there. We want to hold presentations for residents of the northern areas, to show them how interesting our country is as tourist destination.  Appropriate promotional content is already prepared and commercials are filmed. They will be shown in Russia’s cities before May. 

ARKA – Dou you plan to establish permanently operating Armenian culture centers in Russia’s regions?

Khzmalyan – We are planning to establish information centers, for example in Surgut, where we have a strong community and partners who can help us. These centers will give us an opportunity to supply information.  Many regions already have such centers, but it is necessary to redefine them, enhance their professional levels and coordinate their activities. The goal of our fund is exactly to implement professional marketing measures. Now we are making necessary preparations for establishment of information centers.   We will send all advertisement and marketing contents, which will be printed and spread there. Information centers will help us in consolidation of tourist capacity of the region, i.e. will become our fund’s branch.   Thanks to these centers, we will know what tourists are interested in, how they spend their time, where they stay. This is very important for planning our steps.  

ARKA – Have you already established ties with various tour operators?

Khzmalyan – Of course, we have such contacts, but I want you to understand that the fund’s goal is not only to ensure B2B scheme.  Our aim is to enhance awareness of Armenia as tourist destination. Therefore, we take part in many prestigious tourist exhibitions, organize road shows and work hard at other markets.  We attract sponsors for implementing our marketing campaigns. With their support and under a sane state policy, we will achieve our goals. M.V.—0—