Head of State Property Management Department makes decision to resign


Arman Sahakyan, head of the State Property Management Department, made a decision to resign.

He posted a statement on Facebook which says:

“Dear compatriots, colleagues, teammates and friends: I have made a decision to resign from the position of the head of the State Property Management Department.

I am summing up my 7-year activity with confidence and conscience as this new line in my biography will also prove that I have worked and acted as much as I could and managed to also record success in this field trusted me. I have worked openly, publicly, with dedication and belief that the country’s today and tomorrow are being built by honest work of each of us. I have acted without loud statements, with responsibility and love.

I want to thank the SPMD staff, my colleagues and teammates for our productive cooperation: together we managed to solve many issues and move forward by working programs. I have regularly and publicly talked about this, but today I want to mention only one: I have put a goal and managed with my colleagues to completely and systematically solve the ownership issue of thousands of our compatriots living in dormitories.

By leaving the state service, I am not leaving the politics, especially when we with my teammates and supporters recorded a convincing victory in the parliamentary elections a year ago. Today, I have no right to frustrate my voters and will continue standing with them. We will together continue our path for the sake of the progress of our state and people.

For me the past and coming path with media is also important: our healthy cooperation with professionals enabled to make the public informed on the work done, to improve the shortcomings with criticism.

I once again want to thank you for your trust, cooperation and support”.